Discourses of Kabir saheb

 We all very well familiar with the poetries of saint Kabir. He finished the roots of hypocrisy and raise voice against malpractices. He came to met the wise souls and free them from the process of rebirth. Read it how?

1..Eternal place of salvation (OUR TRUE HOME)

Sometimes we feel that there should have been no work, there should be a place where the rivers of milk flow, the trees remain laden with fruits all the time, where we can always live a luxurious life without working anymore, this seems to be possible in the dreams in this mortal world. These all luxuries are present in the true home of soul, SATLOK. It is told to us by the speaker of SHRIMAD BHAGWAT GITA in chapter number 18 verse number 62 where it is said to Arjuna that you should go in the shelter of god i.e. PARAM AKSHAR BRAHM. Only by the grace of that almighty you will attain ultimate peace and eternal place Satlok where we get complete and ultimate salvation.
 God Kabir comes to Earth to spread the information of god, to show the right way of worship and right path to meet god through his various stanzas doha and satsang By preaching to his children, Kabir Saheb makes soul reach back to their real home Satlok. 
 He came to various saintly souls like respected Dadu sahib ji, respected Dharamdas ji, respected Malook das ji, respected Garib das ji and many more. They all described the appearance, glory of god and about the Satlok through their compositions.

As Dharamdas ji said :-

Aaj mohe darshan diyo ji Kabir,
Satlok se chalkar aaye , katan jam ki janjir.

 As Dadu sahib ji said :-

Aadmi ki aayu ghate  , tab yam ghare aaye
Sumiran kiya kabir ka ,dadu liya bachaye

As Malook das ji said :-

Char daag se satguru nyare , ajaro amar shareer 
das malook salook kahat hai , khajo khasam kabir

As Garib das ji said :-

Ajab nagar me le gaye , humko satguru aaan
Jhilke bimb aghad gati , sute chadar taan

Similarly many other devotees mentioned about the real god in their literary compositions which prove that no one else is real god other than Kabir ji. They told that he comes to Earth to take us back to that eternal place so that we can attain salvation and would never return back to this mortal world again.

2..Broach given by eternal kabir

While having conversation with Kabir Saheb, Dharmdas asked a question to him that,"Oh Lord ! You have given the knowledge of both Ansh and Vansh. In that Ansh is Naad which means a disciple accepts his Guru as father through word which is a traditional system of Guru & disciple. And Vansh is Bind system which means child is born through birth (kin).
Dharamdas then asked to Kabir Saheb" oh lord ! Please tell me... those who are my child through birth and will be given naam diksha , which place they will get after their death?
Describing the Satlok, true guru Kabir Saheb explained ," There are 7 ocean at Satlok and 27 islands. All the true disciples and 'Hans' live there on those islands."
Kabir Saheb has a great beauty as if lights are illuminating divalent to crores of suns and moons. The crown he has on his head is illuminated itself. Kabir Saheb also explained the process of naam diksha and did that it must be given in three steps. One who takes diksha through all the three steps and follows all rules throughout his life goes to Satlok undoubtedly. Those who follow wrong paths of worship remain in the trap of Kaal.

Kabir Vaani:

Teen dev ki jo karte bhakti, Unki kde naa hove mukti.

After accepting the words of Kabir Saheb Dharmdas and his wife took naam diksha from him.
Kabir saheb shows to his disciples that what should be the feelings(faith) of a devotee for his Guru through Dharmdas.

Kabir Vani:

Naino ander aave tu, jab hi nayan jhapeu.
Naa mai dekhu aur ko naa tujhe dekhan deu.

One can get the true love for his Guru only when one does not have faith in others as he/she has for his Guru.

3..Protest against hypocrisy - Kabir Ji's consort

Kabir Saheb was pioneer in egalitarian and humanitarian ideology.
He was the real epitome of equanimity of all religions.
He always protested against hypocrisy and religious fanatics.
We always see it's proof in Kabir ji's poetries.


"Laddu laavan laapsi,pooja chadhe apaar.
Pooji pujari le gya,murat ke muh chhar".

Whenever we offer Laddu,Laapsi(sweets) to god,we are not actually offering it to god but to the priest who takes all these accessories.
(That's why,it is totally waste to donate in the temples.)

👉 Monotheism

"Kabir kuaa ek h,paani bhare anek.
Bartan me hi bhed h, pani sbme ek".

There is one well to fill water and water is also same, only the pots are different.
Kabir Ji is trying to explain us that we've made so many different religions but god is one.
In Shrimadbhagavat Geeta, chapter 7 verse 12-15, chapter 9 verse 20-23 it is clearly mentioned that the people who worship Brahma,Vishnu & Mahesh possesses a bad character, are despicable in humans, do bad karma and are fools because they do not worship the speaker of Geeta.

"Gun teeno ki bhakti me, ye bhul padyo sansar.
Kahe kabir nij naam bina,kaise utare paar."

"Teen dev ki jo krte bhakti,unki kabhu na howe mukti".  (Kabir Sagar)
(Emphasis on Monotheism)

👉 Pilgrimage fasts in vani

"Na main kriya karam me,Na main jog sanyas me .
Khoji ho to turant mil jau,ek pal ki talaash me.

We cannot attain god by doing fast and hermit, these all are hypocricies. For that, we need to keep in mind that
If we search him with heart, we'll get him within a second.
(Attainment of god is done with true heart not by showing off).
In Holy Shrimadbhagwat Geeta chapter 6 verse 16 it is clearly stated that - Hey Arjun! devoutness is neither succeeded for overeater nor for less eater , similarly neither by more sleeping nor by very less sleeping.
(It is clearly prohibited in Geeta Ji to keep fast).

4..Trap of Kaal

Kabir Saheb said, This Kaal lok is not worth  of living. This lok is full of sorrows. Then Kabir saheb told Dharamdasji, O! Dharamdas, your son is envoy of Kaal, so my discourses do not affect him and you are a virtuous soul who has understood my knowledge very quickly. There is no impact of my teaching on your son. Similarly, there are many houses in the whole world, where residents are not doing correct worship and even if a saintly soul is present in those houses then the envoy of Kaal will distract him from right path. 
If in any era, anyone has ever done worship of Kabir God, he/ she will immediately understand knowledge and he/she will get initiation with yearning.
That soul will get liberated from kaal's trap by doing Sumiran and right way of worship by following all bhakti rules. ( Page 161, Summary of Anurag Sagar )
Kabir God has said, O! Dharmadas, Just as the knights and baby cuckoos do not turn back after going forward. In this way, if someone comes in my shelter after breaking all barriers and attractions of family, then I will liberate one hundred and one generations of that devotee.

Brahma, Vishnu, Maheshwar, Maya aur Dharmraya Kahiye।
In panchon mil parpanch banaye, vaani hamari lahiye।।

In Holy Gita, chapter 11, verses 47 and 48, it is stated that this is my real Kaal form. He can not be seen i.e. Brahm can not be attained by the method described in the Vedas, neither by chanting nor by penance or by any other action.
When all three children ( Tridevs) became young and they asked there mother Durga  about their father then Mother Durga told them to go for Sagar Manthan. At the first Sagar Manthan Jyoti Niranjan, who is called as Kaal, produced four Vedas by his breath. The four Vedas were commanded by secret akashvani to reside in the ocean. After Sagar Manthan four Vedas came out and the three children ( Tridevs) took them to the mother Durga. Then mother Durga told Brahma to keep the four Vedas with him and read. In fact, Puranbraham gave five Vedas to Brahm i.e. Kaal.  But Brahm revealed only four Vedas. The fifth Ved was hidden by him.Which was containing the complete knowledge of Supreme God Kabir.Supreme God himself manifests fifth ved i.e. Suksham Ved by Kabir vaani through proverbs and couplets.
It is evident from this, that Kaal never wanted the creature to attain salvation through the  worship of supreme God Kabir. In the whole world, salvation is only possible by worshipping supreme god Kabir.The whole universe is trapped by the Kaal.

Manush janam durlabh hai, mile na barambar।
Jaise taruwar se patta tut gaya, bahur na lagta daar।।

Human life is attained once after suffering in 84 lakh yonis, if this precious life is spent in listening songs, watching movies, entertaining, then it will be spoiled.  No matter how big a king you become, if you don't worship correctly, then you will move in the cycle of 84 lakhs yonis and hell and heaven. It's better to worship according to Vedas and Shastras. Kabir Saheb says that  understand the tatvagyan by tatvadarshi saint and take name initiation from him to fulfil purpose of human life i.e attain salvation.  At present that tatvadarshi saint is Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.

5..What is salvation?

The dictionary meaning from the perspective of religion is the process of being saved, the state of being saved from hell.
Usually people think that the meaning of salvation is to get freedom from the cycle of birth and death. Some people believe that shraad is the way to give salvation to our ancestors. Some believes that good work make us lead to salvation. Other say that after salvation a person become zero, he is lost in darkness or fall apart from the world.
Is this the correct way of salvation?
It's a common belief that a person get salvation after death. But this is completely a  myth. If death would be the way of salvation then no one would have been alive on this earth, everyone will get freedom. It is written in our scriptures that one should do correct worship to attain salvation. One will get that exclusive worship only when he/she will find a Tatvadarshi Saint who will tell about the true worship of that almighty God. 
For instance, it is written in geeta adhyay 4, shlok 34 that - 
Oh arjun, go in the refuge of  a Tatvadarshi Saint. He will give you the true knowledge of Supreme God.
Sages and monks used to do austerity for thousands of years but they never found a true saint who would have told them about the true worship, as a result they didn't get salvation. According to Geeta, one who prays God will belong to that God means he will go in the refuge of that God which he prayed.  By doing worship of all these gods we get temporary salvation . Because Geeta's adhyay 8, shlok 16 states that everyone is in repetition even the braham lok means births and deaths of all sages and monks who are in brahm lok is unavoidable.
It is very easy to get complete salvation if one gets true worship under the guidance of a true saint. There were many great  personalities in kalyug who were blessed by Tatvadarshi Saint.
Some of them are - respectable gareeb das ji, daadu ji, dharmadas ji, naanak ji, malookdas ji, etc. These are the names of those persons who found God in the form of Tatvadarshi Saint and worshipped according to the way,  written in vedas and other scriptures. And all of these great personalities have told that–

   "जम जौरा जासे डरे ,मिटे कर्म के लेख।
अदली असल कबीर है, कुल के सतगुरु एक।।

 All great personalities and scriptures state that salvation is the only aim of the life, without it life is purposeless.
Kabir Saheb says that-

"मानुष जनम पाये कर, जो नहीं रटै हरि नाम।
जैसे कुआ जल बिना, फिर बनवाया किस काम।।"

To find more information about the hidden mysteries, secrets of scriptures and correct worship in accordance with the scriptures, please listen wonderful, supernatural and  auspicious discourse of saint rampalji maharaj.

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