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Esoteric mystery of emersion of Kabir dev

Esoteric mystery of emersion of Kabir dev

Esoteric mystery of emersion of Kabir dev (Kabir Das)

The immortal God appears on earth and we are familiar with him as a poet or a weaver, he is Kabir. This post gives you the Evidences given in our Vedas, that 'KABIR IS GOD'.

Esoteric mystery of emersion of Kabir dev, kabir
     Esoteric Mystery of Emersion of Kabir Dev

1..Imperishable God came in ordinary costume

The complete Supreme Soul is imperishable, that is, he does not die. He lives in Satlok, he comes from there and meets his good souls. The imperishable God comes to the Earth in an ordinary costume and receives the title of a poet and preaches satgyan through his words, the Vedas also prove it. Holy Atharvveda Kand No. 4 Anwak No.1 Mantra 7 says that in fact, the imperishable God, who takes us to the Satlok is the creator of all universes. The God is also called as bandichhod. His body is not made up of a vascular system. His body can never be destroyed. The God simplifies his body and comes to the Earth, and the Vedas also bear witness to it.

Yajurveda Chapter No.40 Shlok No.8

God comes to the earth with his body and leaves this mortal world with his body to Satlok. He is the supreme God Kabir Saheb, who has also described his name as Kavir Dev/Kabir, who is mentioned as imperishable in the Vedas, and has been given the title of the famous poet. 600 years ago, after living as a normal human for 120 years in  Kashi, Kabir God went from Maghar to satlok with his body.

Esoteric mystery of emersion of Kabir dev, kabir
Imperishable God came in ordinary costume

2..Immortal God meets his pious souls

Supreme God is immortal. He does not invoked in birth and death cycles. He lives in satlok, from there he comes on the earth and meets his pious souls. That imperishable God comes on the earth, and lives in simple costume and gets the title of a poet. He propagates tatvagyan with his 'vaani'. Vedas also prove it. It is written in holy Atharvved Kaand no. 4, Anuwak no. 4, Mantra 7, that Kavirdev is the Creator of all universes , in reality he is the imperishable God who carries his pious souls to Satlok.
Supreme God Kabir is also called Bandichod.
His body is not made of five elements. It is made of one element, which never gets destroyed
He comes to earth in simple form, Vedas prove it.

Yajurveda Chapter no. 40 shlok no. 8

After performing divine act on the earth,  he goes back to Satlok with body.
He is supreme god Kabir Saheb (Saint Kabir) who receives the title of famous poet. In the Vedas, he is named as  KavirDev i.e. Kabir who is indestructible. After performing divine  act for 120 years in Kashi, Kabir Parmeshwar went back to satlok from Maghar with body.

Esoteric mystery of emersion of Kabir dev, kabir
 Immortal God meets his pious souls

3..Absolute divine -

Absolute divine  Lord Kabir is beyond birth and death.Neither he takes birth from mother's womb nor he dies. Lord Kabir is enthroned in the immortal world (Satlok), where death does not take place and the body is immortal .The absolute divine god appears himself to sustain faith in worship of devotees.

 According to Holy Vedas

Lord kabir is the creator of whole nature and universe.
Lord Kabir can save lives and can increase the life span of his devotees. Rigved Mandal 10 ,Sukt 161, Mantra 2 and Mandal 9, Sukt 80 ,Mantra 2 says- Absolute divine God can increase life span and can destroy any incurable disease.

According to Holy Quran Sharif,

Lord Kabir created the nature.
The giver of Quran Sharif is saying to Hazrat Mohammad that," Kabir is Allahu Akbar who created the nature in 6 days and enthroned in immortal world on the 7th day."

Proof in Quran Surah-

Al Furqan 25 Aayat 52 - 59 explain that
Lord Kabir created nature in 6 days.It is also proved in Bible Genesis 1:26 - 2:3 that Lord Kabir created the nature in 6 days and rested on the 7th day, *he created humans according to his form.

Creator of while Universe -
There is an evidence in Atharvaved Case 4, translation 1, Mantra 7 that God Kabir has created the nature -
Real companion of the devotees, bearer of lawful seekers to immortal world, creator of whole universe is KAVIRDEV who do not betray like KAAL.
Only Lord Kabir can save the earth as he is it's creator and defender.
Absolute divine Lord Kabir is indestructible.

Esoteric mystery of emersion of Kabir dev, kabir
Absolute divine

4..Vindication by saints

Saints like Garib das ji, Nanak ji and many more describe lot about the imperishable God Kabir in thier poetries and voices.

Evidence in the speech of respected Nanak ji

Kabir Saheb Ji in the form of living Mahatma met revered Nanak ji on the river Bei. After giving Nanak ji full knowledge of salvation and initiation, he took his soul to Satlok for 3 days and shown him his true form as the controller of infinite universes and told that he is performing leela in the colony of weavers in Kashi, where he will get Satnam (the next step of salvation). When Nanak ji visited Kashi and saw that the same God is working as a weaver, he said waahe Guru, waahe Guru in happiness and excitement, i.e. the same God is present here who lives in satlok, people do not even know, Nanak ji pronounced the following words-

Fhai surat malooki Wes , ae thag wada thagi des|
khara siyana bhuta bhar, yeh dhanak roop rha kartar||

Raga Tilang Mahla 1 Page no. 721 Of Sri Guru Granth Saheb Proofs-

Yak arj guftam pesh, to dar kun kartar|
Hakka Kabir Karim tu, be ab parvdaigar||

Nanak Bugoyd Jan Tura, Tere Chakaran Pakhak||

Nanak Dev Ji says, God Kabir is the creator of the universe and is so merciful, I am your servant.

Tera ek naam taare sansar, main aiha aas aiho aadhar|
Nanak nivh kai vaichar, dhanak rup raha kartar||

The above words were spoken by the Nanak ji, whose writings prove Kabir Saheb Ji is the Kartar i.e. God, It is told by nanak ji that he is telling the truth that the Kabir weaver, is the complete Brahm, and the absolute Supreme Soul. Respected Nanak ji has told the glory of God Kabir in Guru Granth Sahib, but the followers of Sikhism are unaware of this truth. The truth is that the Satguru of Nanak ji was God Kabir Sahib as Kabir Parmeshwar meets pious souls in different different forms.

Esoteric mystery of emersion of Kabir dev, kabir
Evidence in the speech of respected Nanak ji

Evidences by sant Garib das ji Maharaj

Supreme God Kabir saheb ji met in the form of a living mahatma to Garib das ji. Kabir saheb ji made Garib das ji acquainted with true spiritual knowledge and took him to the abode of soul, Satlok. Kabir ji made him familiar with all the arrangements and comforts of Satlok. After that, Lord Kabir showed him his form, in which he is sitting on the throne of the controller of the infinite universes. He told Garib das ji that, he lived in the form of a weaver in Kashi for 120 years. In all the four holy vedas the names like Kavir dev, Agni are his (which is god in the living form) aspects.
Seeing all that strong belief was developed in Garib das and he wrote the whole description of Lord Kabir Saheb Ji in his heavenly words.

Anant koti brahmaand ka, ek rati nhi bhar||
 satguru purush kabir h ,kul k srijan haar||

Esoteric mystery of emersion of Kabir dev, kabir
Evidences by sant Garib das ji Maharj

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